
God is dead.
Lies shattered among the dreams of men.
The children of God.
Trample underfoot the gift of life.
The splinters.
Walk in the consciousness of their bodiless existence.
The creation story has just begun.

“Hello, my name is Gen. Actually yes Genesis, but that sounds so formal. Besides, that’s what we’re all called. All of us, really. But that’s not surprising, because actually we are one. Well, we were one until we fragmented. But that happened many centuries before you.” The young man laughed and shook his golden hair. For a brief moment, I could have sworn that gold dust glittered in it.

“Uh… hello,” almost questioning came out of my mouth as I glanced at the outstretched hand the man held out to me. I hesitated for a moment before grabbing it and allowing myself to be hoisted back to my feet. “T… thank you.”, I hurried to say and patted the dust from my clothes with a practiced gesture. It almost seemed like I was used to lying on the floor. “How did you…?”

“Oh you mean how I was able to put three thugs to flight who were about to give you a good beating, break your nose and thus ruin your nice white shirt because you would have lost at least ten drops of blood on it?”

My curt nod was answer enough, as he beamed at me. I wonder if I had ever seen such sky-blue glowing eyes? Only in poorly done Photoshop montages.

“Forgive me.” He let go of me and took a step back. Almost instantly, I missed the pleasant warmth of his hand. A form-fitting bow followed.

“I am your god particle.”



An empty Coke can rattling away in the wind.

Then silence again.

He paused in that strange bow, as if he had spent too much time in the cobra pose at yoga.

“My… what?” I wasn’t expecting physics lessons right now.

“Well your God particle!” He finally released his muscles and stood up straight again. He was a little shorter than me, but at the moment I felt like I was looking up at him.

“I don’t know…”, I started, but instantly he stepped closer and his warm breath brushed my face.

“Your best friend, your ally, your partner, your Watson to your Sherlock, your Clyde to your Bonnie, your Pikachu to your Ash, your soulmate.”, he enumerated ridiculous examples to me in a never ending flow. I still didn’t understand and the look on my face certainly spoke the same thing I was feeling: total confusion.

Gently, he put his hands to my cheeks and squeezed lightly, forming a pout without my intervention.

“The right one for you, your life man, your great love.”

Now bewilderment overtook my body and I tore myself away, staggering back a few steps. “M… my… my…”

He laughed again, and the sound alone made something resonate inside me.

“We’re all part of something bigger. The only difference is that you don’t know it anymore, I do. I am a part of God, just as you are. We were always created in pairs, two always belong together.” He spoke of God as if it were a small child playing with modeling clay, creating strange things. “To find you it took me years to think up a physical form.” The blond man turned once in a circle so I could get a good look at him, too. “I hope you like the shape?”

That was exactly the damn problem. I liked the shape. And I liked it a lot. I had not expected it at all, because after all I was also a… man.